Friday, April 9, 2010

Take a look around

When we were kids, there was always something to look forward to. A big treat for a job well done. Someone was there to praise you when you reached another milestone. Growing up, you could count on these accomplishments, feel a little prouder, stand a little taller and enjoy your much needed and well deserved reward.

Soon those victories began to grow further and further apart. Reality is a little less kind. When the heck did we grow up? It seems like one day I woke up and all the sudden I was thrust into the midst of a quarter-life crisis. Instead of being just another twentysomething with a chip on their shoulder, struggling to understand how life is supposed to play out, I'd rather put my energy into something much more positive.

So I decided that I would remind myself, at least once, everyday, of something I am grateful to have accomplished, experienced or become aware of.

How often do you feel like there is something worth celebrating? It doesn't have to be a birthday or some random hallmark holiday...for me even a little victory deserves a pat on the back. I guess it just depends on how aware you are of those little things that happen all the time.

It might just be once a day.

Or once a week.

Even once a month.

But, I'm willing to bet, that the more you look, the more you see. There is plenty to appreciate if you just stop to notice and not take life quite so seriously.

"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once and a while, you could miss it."

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